Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taking it One Day at a Time

Whether you suffer from chronic pain or just want to get your home in order, my simply answer to you is "TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME." Trying to rush through something to reach your end goal, can leave you mentally and physically exhausted. Make a plan! Take about 10-minutes to sit down and write down what it is you want to accomplish. Then break down that accomplishment in to 15-minute tasks. If 15-minutes seems to daunting, break it down to five-minute tasks (whatever would work best for you). Then set yourself the goal of working on one task per day, then maybe two tasks per day (and so one). Set a timer (just as you would when trying to get a child to do a chore). Once the timer rings, you are done for a while. If you feel compelled to work a little longer - GO FOR IT! If the task seems too overwhelming at the time, skip it until you are ready to start; however, set a date and time you will start it; otherwise, you'll never start it. If you need couching in getting started, please feel free to contact me at and I'll be glad to help you out. Remember - take life one day at a time and you'll be a much happier person.

1 comment:

Daymarefe said...

Connie I love this one. I hate housework and have used the 15 minutes an hour for years. Of course it only works when I am home long enough lol! Keep up the blog.
Patty Flory-Evans
BTW it works for study habits also.