Thursday, October 22, 2009


Great news...A New Beginning Organizing, LLC is back in business. ( Because of my issues with fibromyalgia I can only work part-time, but can work a few hours a day a few days a week if anyone is interested.

I want to work with people with chronic pain or disabilities (since I can relate to how they feel and function).

I also specialize in helping with garage sales. A sale I recently sponsored made over $1000.00 with only a few big ticket items (i.e. treadmill & exercise bike). The rest of the money was made by selling clutter from around the house. In economic times like this, you need to ask yourself:
1. When did I use it last? If it's been over six months...sell it!
2. Do I like it, love it, or not fond of it? If you love it, keep it, if you just like it or not fond of it...sell it! That includes gifts from friends or family. They will understand you need the money and chances are won't remember what they gave you 10 years ago.
3. In regards to clothes...does it fit, do you wear it? Don't hang on to things that don't fit. If you lost weight, save one item to remind yourself where you once were...if you have gained weight, save one item to remind you where you may want to be again. It you rarely wear an item...sell it or if it's women's dress clothes, donate it to Dress for Success in Portland OR to help get women on their feet.

I look forward to getting back to what I do best. Call me if you have any questions!